Book publication - La saga des audacieux - VA Edition

Benoît Oberlé, Julien Trani and Rémi Démol, Sirdata’s co-founders met with french author some time ago to discuss their vision on topics such as audacity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Some quotes translated from french publication :

…“Understand data in a different way, innovate : from an idea , an intuition, we had the audacity to launch our activity and recruit“.

“Be bold in a rightful manner and be able to build bigger, in a more relevant way.”

“Audacity means to be agile, be in a continuous movement. Know the latest languages, adapt technologies, question oneself, surround oneself with the best.”

“Sirdata’s expertise in one sentence : detect purchase intentions.”

1001 ways to perceive and apprehend audacity, innovation and entrepreneurship with the testimonials from sixty daring personalities.

The author concludes this book with a quote from Voltaire “Le succès fut toujours un enfant de l’audace.”

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