Interview Les clés de la presse

Translated from original content.

Phone call to… Benoît Oberlé

“This partnership with Kantar allows Sirdata to expand its offer”

After having experienced a difficult year in 2018, following GDPR enforcement (which led to a “wait-and-see attitude” by companies in terms of investment in data), Sirdata should meet this year, with 3.5 million euros of turnover, its 2017 level.
Specialized in the analysis of Internet browsing data, the company created seven years ago by Benoît Oberlé builds audience segments (interest, life moments, purchase intentions) which are sold to media buyers (programmatic trading desk). A still rare know-how that she has just enriched with a partnership with Kantar, announced last week.

Interview :

Les Clés de la Presse. How did you imagine this partnership around the Kantar TGI study ?

Benoît Oberlé. It was born from our customers need. Until now, traders have activated our audience segments at the moment they were implementing their campaigns. But today, more and more advertisers are asking us more upstream, when designing the campaign, on this topic “How will I reach my consumer in six months?“. To which we could not answer precisely. Now, building on the study Kantar TGI, which allows brands, agencies, ad networks and media to define better their target, we are able to answer this question. It took us two years to prepare (one year to put in place the model, another to test it), but we are now operational.

Could you explain how it works for publishers, advertisers concretely?

BO. We have created with Kantar more than fifty audience segments, which can be activated within the main programmatic platforms on the market. And we can activate a custom Kantar TGI personae on demand within a very short time.

What do you expect in terms of your business?

BO. This partnership will not bring us new opportunities, but allow us to deliver much better quality to our customers, and to be get involve more upstream in the decision process. This is important.

What will this tool and know-how change in your relationship with publishers?

BO. It allows us to strengthen our recommendations. Because if Sirdata still needs the media to buy data from them and enrich its databases, we can also help them to know their Internet users better _ in the context of consent respect, which is particularly supervised. Cost Per Thousand is indeed four to eight times higher if the internet user agrees to communicate his data. Otherwise, our semantic tool allows the editor to contextualize his pages himself, which gives value to his data.

Interview by Didier Falcand
Les Clés de La Presse