Abstract : As it stands, the DPA concludes that TCF taken alone is not compliant. But TCF was never intended to be compliant on its own: it is only a tool, not a guarantee of compliance. The question that arises is the following: is the TCF implemented via your CMP compliant? Here is the benchmark from our analysis:
I don't sell ad inventory, or either directly or indirectly via open RTB, am I affected by the DPA ruling? No.
I use the standard version of the Sirdata CMP, possibly customized for me. Am I affected by the DPA's decision? No.
I work in Sirdata's consentframework.com choice cooperative, or I have not activated the full list of IAB Vendors, am I affected by the DPA decision? No.
I have selected all the IAB Vendors, and therefore I work outside the Sirdata choice cooperative, am I affected by the DPA's decision? Yes.
In any case, do I have to re-configure Sirdata CMP, or change my provider to work outside the TCF? No.
(Contact us for more information if you are concerned)
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