Paris, October 6th 2020

In a digital environment where advertising targeting through cookies is facing a progressive scarcity, Le Point provides an alternative and launches its 100% cookieless targeting offer via Sirdata’s contextual Semantic solution.

As of today, Le Point’s teams are able to offer brands and their agencies contextual semantic targeting on its entire web inventory (Desktop & Webmobile). Brands and their agencies have at their disposal all the IAB standard categories as well as Sirdata’s broader taxonomy, with more than 3 500 contextual categories available, reflecting the interests and intentions of Le Point’s audiences.

The use of Sirdata’s contextual categories is now open to Direct sales (direct ad serving as well as Programmatic Guaranteed Deals) as well as Programmatic deals within the main platforms.

Le Point, first publisher to work on the contextual targeting directly with Sirdata without the support of an intermediary, demonstrates its will for a digital monetization approach, combining the respect of user’s choices and the relevancy of its advertising offer, in a premium editorial environment.

Nicolas Pegoraro, Yield & Adops Director: “Le Point is innovating and anticipating with Sirdata. Thanks to this new thematic targeting solution, advertisers will benefit from an even stronger and more relevant proximity with their audiences, in an editorial environment particularly adapted to their messages.”

Arnaud Sirjacq, Sales Director, & member of the IAB Cookieless Task Force: “The possible scarcity of user centric targeting requires the implementation of technological and operational alternatives in order to provide publishers and their agencies with the continuity in targeting capabilities. Our partnership with Le Point, the first premium News publisher to launch contextual semantic targeting with us, is in line with this approach, and enables us to enhance the value of a strong editorial content.”