With Quast, Adux, wishes to combine video and native advertising

Regarding emergence of Native Advertising and Video, AdUx is launching Quast, and offering of native video advertising within editorial context, of more than 350 media partners.

Two typologies are available in deskstop or webmobile : In Content Video wich integrated the look and feel of web sites and “Video-Feed” that unfolds in the heart of content.

Native advertising, can be a non intrusive and user friendly format, increases by 27% in 2018 compared to 2017. Video for it’s part benefited from a +47% growth in investments in France. 2018 vs. 2017 (SRI observatory of the e-pub year 2018). By 2022, it will account for 80% of all Internet traffic (Cisco 2018 study). With this in mind, AdUX is launching Quast which combines these two formats in the service of a user experience always valued. Explains the company in a statement.

The solution enables publishers to create user-friendly ad spaces that the advertiser can use to maximize the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Two strategies are deployed to meet advertisers challenges: A media planning approach, which allows campaigns to be broadcasted in strong contexts and an audience planning approach , which ensures coverage on target with Sirdata.

Cyril Zimmermann, AdUX: « AdMoove prefers to collect less information but to reach as many people as possible »