Is the death of cookies good news?
On Monday, April 12, 2021, SMART TECH, the daily magazine on digital news and innovation, welcomed Louis Prunel (President and Co-founder of BeOp) and Benoît Oberlé (President and Founder of Sirdata).
The end of the cookie, good or bad news?
Advertising tracking is constantly undergoing changes that are disrupting the functioning of the advertising and digital marketing sector.
This is especially true with the end of cookies announced by Google, which is getting closer and closer and which raises many questions.
Why has Google decreed the end of the cookie?
Is Google the only browser to want this end of cookies?
What are the different risks of this change for all adtech and marchtech actors?
During this Tech Talk, Louis Prunel and Benoît Oberlé answered all these questions in a clear and detailed way in order to provide as much information as possible in only 17 minutes of interview!
Find the complete interview here (FR) :
SMART TECH - Tech talk du lundi 12 avril 2021
Lundi 12 avril 2021, SMART TECH reçoit Louis Prunel (Président et Co-fondateur, BeOp) et Benoît Oberle (président et fondateur, Sirdata)